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Bringing you to the heart of Cambodia

4WD Adventure Tour

4WD 8 Prasat Bakan, Koh Ker, Beng Meela, Siem Reap

3 days, 2 nights  


Average travel per day of 5/6 hours, Prasat Bakan is quiet remote, very basic accommodation  but stunning, basic with regards to facilities but a once in a lifetime trip. Travel on main road to Kulen and then on to Koh Ker,  Roads relatively good and v. good from Koh Ker onward to Siem Reap.

Tour Summary:

 A taste of a glorious past in these two magnificent Angkorian complexes, a fantastic opportunity to visit remote villages, the remote village of Ta Seng and the people who live there. Koh Ker and the great Preah Khan has been opened and staffed greatly to allow visitors to understand these wonders of the world more fully.

Day 1:

Depart SR and travel to Bakan via Stoung. Numerous stops along the road at small villages and turns in the road. Late afternoon arrival at the crossroads in Ta Seng Village to visit with locals. Travel 5km to visit this massive temple complex of Bakan.  Sleep in a cabanna located inside the gates of Bakan Temple in hammocks with staff from the temples, a stunning location for a campfire or stay in a basic family wooden house in the Village of Ta Seng. No toilet facilities in either, limited cold shower facilities.  All supplies send from HC base will allow for a fantastic barbeque dinner and breakfast in either location.    

Day 2:

Visit the Baray on the other side of Ta Seng and Prasat Domri. Depart Bakan for Koh Ker temple. Stay in the small village of Seyang, just 5km for the temples in a small family house/guest house. Our hosts, as do in all locations, welcomes Hidden Cambodia guests weekly.  Tour of the main complex and surrounding temples at the rear with local officials on arrival or before departure, time allowing. Wander through the small village of Seyang in the evening prior to dinner and overnight. Possibility to stay closer to Koh Ker temple and the small village beside it.  

Day 3:

Tour of the small village and surrounding countryside of Koh Ker. New network of roads now allow access to newly uncovered and demined temples.  Depart for Svay Leu and the unusual relief carving found deep in a bamboo forest. Following lunch, guests visit Beng Melea temple or can have an informal stop at an alternative location, returning to HC Base for celebratory drinks.

Inclusive of:




Exclusive of:

This 3 day, 2 night 4WD adventure trip includes an experienced driver and 4WD air conditioned vehicle, (Monterro or Land Cruiser vehicle), English speaking Hidden Cambodia guide, all transport costs, refreshments in Hidden Cambodia base prior to and following the adventure tour, entry and tour of Prasat Bakan and surrounding temples, Koh Ker, Beng Melea, Svay Leu unusual relief temples, 2 nights accommodation,  2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2  dinners, water, snacks, road payments &  levies,  local guides where necessary, baggage handlers, additional military vehicles where required, any local fees such as road charges and toils, local and tourist police, military and security escorts.   

Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, laundry services, phone calls and medical/travel insurance.


US$ 860 for one person traveling, US$ 535 per person when two persons traveling,                US $435 per person when 3 persons traveling, US$ 390 per person when four              persons traveling.

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