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Tour 7 - Temple in the Sky
Siem Reap - Anlong Veng - Preah Vihear -Siem Reap 

One of our most popular short trips for 4WD & Dirt Bike Tours


3 days / 2 Nights


2 and a bit stars, moderate riding on unpaved national road to Anlong Veng. Unpaved new road continues all the way to base of Preah Vihear. Steep incline to both the Dangrek escarpment and Preah Vihear Mountain.   

Tour Summary:

For those of you that are short on time, this tour offers medium challenge road and two excellent destinations.


Following a transfer from your hotel to HC base camp and a brief on the tour, motorcycles, safety instructions and procedures, start the three to four hour ride to the small town of Anlong Veng, 130 km north of Siem Reap. The beautiful Dangrek escarpment, 16kms further and part of the Dangrek mountain range, provides a natural border between Thailand and Cambodia. This town and area was the last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge.

Day 1:

Enjoy an excellent lunch in the town before driving up the escarpment. Pol Pot lived here during his last years and died in his jungle hide out on the mountain in 1998. Tour of the mountain, visit with local people, dinner and over night in a spectacular mountain camp in comfortable wooden bungalows.

Day 2:

Day 3

Following a hearty breakfast, and a tour of Ta Moks villa in the town, continue east to Preah Vihear temple, a stunning temple located on a mountaintop, overlooking Thailand and Cambodia. The 125km journey passes through Kulen Prum Tep Wildlife Sanctury on a newly constructed road to the base of this isolated temple in the sky. Preah Vihear Temple was built over the ninth to the twelfth century and juts out over the surrounding countryside on a cliff. At the base of the temple, there is a small community of families who run the busy market, our resting spot. We stay with a prominent local family in their guesthouse. 

Full days ride back to Siem Reap with numerous stops and detours. Back in Siem Reap before sunset and in good time for a celebration dinner and some cold beers. 


Mountain camp bungalows and a local guests house. 


No problems. Great restaurant in Anlong Veng.  Basic Khmer food available on the mountain. Small restaurant at Preah Vihear Temple market.

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